Create Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories

WordPress Menu Categories Create Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories, First of all go to Categories Submenu from Post Menu. Pages of WordPress Using Categories Then Type Category Name as shown in red Circle e.g., Tech Category and then Click Add New Category as shown in Red Rectangular Box. Create Multiple Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories New category will be shown in the Category List as shown in Red Rectangular Box. Create Multiple Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories Now go to Appearance Menu then select Menus Submenu. Create Multiple Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories Then select Red Circle Option i.e., Categories then Red Rectangular Option i.e., View All and then Tick the New Category i.e., Tech and then Click Add to Menu option. And lastly but importantly Click the Save Menu option. Final WordPress setting Now we will see change as shown in Red Rectangular Box in the admin of Word Press. Now we can Create Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories Create Multiple Blog Pages In WordPress Using Categories Front view of Website as new category is shown in Red Box.

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